Playing the Oregon Trail!

This is as close as we can come today to being a part of the Oregon Trail. Since we are not able to travel back in time, we can use the information in this fun game to help us learn about what went on as people traveled this long stretch of land.

Your Job:

Your job is to play the Oregon Trail (Ask which computer it is on.) and learn as much as you can to help Betsy. When you start the game you will see a screen that says "Load Game" or "Travel the Trail". You will click on "Travel the Trail". The next thing they will ask you to do is enter a name. The first name should be Betsy, but you can pick who ever else you want for the remaining players.

During the game you need to do these things:

1. Learn about one disease by clicking on the red guide book when the game tells you someone is sick.

2. Talk to at least 3 people during the trip.

3. Try to trade with at least one person.

4. Hunt for food.

Questions to answer in your journal:

1. What was the status of all the members of the group at the end of the trip?

2. What could you have done during your trip to make them more healthy?

3. What do you think would be the worst part about traveling the Oregon Trail? The best?

4. What were some of the hardships you came across when you were traveling the trail?

Make sure you have your journal page filled and as much other information that you think you may need before heading on to activity #4.

Activity #4 is Write Your Story

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